The PTSD Occurrence Frequency and Correlation Factor Research among the Helicopter Flight Group Officers and Soldiers 直升机飞行团官兵创伤后应激障碍的发生频度及相关因素研究
To Explore the Morphology of the Myocardial Bridge and Its Correlation Factor Analysis 心肌桥形态学观测及其相关因素分析的研究
Correlation Factor Analysis on Kidney Lesion Caused by Acute Pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎性肾脏损害相关因素分析
Acinetobacter Baumanii as Lower Respiratory Tract Infection: Epidemiology, Drug Resistance and Correlation Factor 鲍曼不动杆菌下呼吸道感染的流行病学、耐药性及相关因素分析
Delivery pressure of nursing staff and correlation factor 护理人员工作压力及相关因素的研究
Studies of Leaf Area Variation of Three Plant Species and Correlation Factor on the Vertical Zone of Guizhou Province 贵州省三种植物叶面积垂直变化特征及其相关因子研究
Correlation Factor of Infection in Pregnancy Syphilis and Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Pregnancy Syphilis 妊娠梅毒感染的相关因素及诊治进展
The Analysis of Quality of Life and Correlation Factor about Rheumatic Arthritis Patients 类风湿性关节炎患者生命质量及相关因素分析
Research of correlation factor about deep venous thrombosis postoperative pacemaker implantation 起搏器植入术后深静脉血栓形成相关因素研究
A Diagnoses on Cause and Correlation Factor of 90 Cases Cerebral Palsy in West Guangdong Province 粤西地区90例脑性瘫痪病因及相关因素调查分析
Analysis of reproductive-age woman pathogenic bacteria of bacterial vaginosis and correlation factor 育龄妇女细菌性阴道病病原菌学和致病相关因素分析
Clinical Significance and Correlation Factor of Untypical Squamous Cells or Glandular Cells of Cervix Found by TCT 宫颈不典型鳞状细胞和腺细胞的临床意义及相关因素的分析
Study Progress of Correlation Factor of Podocytes in Diabetic Nephropathy 糖尿病肾病与肾小球足细胞相关因子的研究进展
The Clinical Research of Correlation Factor in Post-Stroke Epilepsy 脑血管病后癫痫相关因素的临床研究
Correlation Factor of Postoperative Complications of Pancreaticoduodenectomy in Senile Patients 老年患者胰头十二指肠切除术并发症相关因素分析
Correlation Factor Analysis of the Symptom of Female Gonococcal Infections 女性淋球菌无症状感染的相关因素研究
Correlation factor for the squint angle more than that before wearing redressing mirror of myopia with concomitant exotropia 近视伴共同性外斜视戴矫正镜后斜视角大于矫正前的相关因素研究
Correlation Factor Analysis of Epilepsy in Patients after Cerebrovascular Disease 脑血管病后继发癫痫的相关因素分析
Analysis of stepwise regression based on the correlation factor of the cerebral infarction 基于脑梗塞相关因素的逐步回归分析
Studies of clinical feature and correlation factor for troublemaking mental disorder patients 肇事肇祸精神疾病患者的临床特征及其相关因素研究
Correlation Factor Analysis on Severe Preeclampsia Induce Placental Abruption 重度子痫前期导致胎盘早剥相关因素分析
The Investigation of the Status and the Correlation Factor Analysis on University Teachers 'Job Burn-out 高校教师工作倦怠现状及相关因素分析
Analysis on epidemic situation and correlation factor on song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty in northern China Area 华北地区宋元明清疫情及相关因素分析
Further by using the data form to analysis the correlation factor to the listed company value influence. 并进一步以数据的形式定量地分析相关因素对上市公司价值的影响。
Objective: Discuss correlation factor and protection measures of laceration of transverse incision of lower uterine segment in cesarean section. 目的:探讨剖宫产术子宫下段横切口撕裂伤的相关因素及预防措施。
Objective To investigate the natural results of IGR and to compare the correlation factor between IFG and IGT. 目的探讨糖调节异常(IGR)的自然转归及比较空腹血糖受损(IFG)和葡萄糖耐量异常(IGT)之间相关因素的异同。
Osculation correlation factor was old folks and irritability corporeity and the sick has psychosis symptom. 密切相关因素为老年人和过敏性体质及有精神症状的病人。
Between cloud droplet and average diameter are negative correlation factor. 云滴浓度与平均直径之间呈负相关关系;
Method: Retrospective analysis correlation factor of pneumonia of 381 cases cerebrovascular accident patients. 方法:回顾性分析381例脑血管意外的患者院内获得性肺炎相关因素。
Carry on the real diagnosis analysis to the correlation factor affected the family enterprise to govern the pattern choice. 对影响家族企业治理模式选择的相关因素进行了实证分析。